Thursday, November 10, 2011

Are You Old?

Lately everyone wants to know my age. Lately everyone wants to know why I just cant lose those last 7 pounds. Lately everyone wants to know why I dont teach Spin anymore.

So as I ponder answering all these questions, I sit here sipping on my new high protein coffee. Here goes:

Maybe Im finally happy with me, maybe happiness comes in the form of moderation, self satisfaction and a nice mirror.Perhaps fitness is a marathon and not a sprint and perhaps truly being happy means being truly happy outside of the gym. I believe that balance is now the key and balancing my health with actually living is more important than a six pack.

I hope that all of you are your healthiest selves, but your healthy self starts with
being happy with the kind of person your are and then the body comes.

See you in the Gym!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Diet Fail?

Did you fail on your diet this week? Cant make your workouts? Having a hard time to stay motivated?

Recently I was at a Happy Hour event and a lady asked me what she could do to make time to get to the gym. She also asked me why she cant stop eating Greek Yogurt.
This lady has been trying to get into the gym to see me for months but just cant make it. She has alot going on, shes real busy, she has lots to do!

Well when she asked me what she should do about her time and diet problem. I hesitated and thought about what I should say. So after about 2 seconds I said what I believe. STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop with the baloney, stop with the BS and just do it. Get to the gym, go far a walk, eat right.

If you have time to hang with your friends, sit at home and eat, talk about your problems, I know you have time to walk 20 minutes a day. I told her, stop making excuses and just do what you gotta do. There is no magic therapy that is going to do this for you.

Tan Fat is better than White Fat. See you at the GYM!
Love ya!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Real Reason!

Have you lied to yourself about what you really are?

Have you told yourself you eat healthy, you are fit, you can do a pushup?
Did you say that youll do it next week, that you are heart healthy, that you
are in the best shape of your life?

I would ask why we lie to ourselves. Even I am guilty of not doing all I can do.
However, I knew it all along but I kept up the lie. Now I have to be more honest cause im not getting any younger and I may never get back the body I want if I dont
get back on the horse real quick.

So you say, what can I do? Well you can stop telling that lie and get to the gym!
And if you think you can do it without a gym, thats a lie. It is time we were hard on ourselves and do what we are supposed to do and be the healthiest human we can be.

Who is with me?

Dont forget; Tanfat looks better than white fat!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In The Mirror Naked!

How many of us have been talking about getting fit? Going for a run? Eating better?
But we never get on the train and why? Im not sure why. After many years of
personal training, I am never sure why someone wouldnt want to be as fit and
healthy as they can be. So, since you cant seem to get motivated, here is something I tell my clients when they want to cancel, sleep in, cry about the working out.

Take off all your clothes in a private place. Turn on the bright lights. Stand in front of a full length mirror. Jump up and down. Turn around. Jump up and down.
Bend over and look between your legs at your thighs.

If this picture of your body in full 3-D doesnt get you to the gym, nothing will.

See you at the Gym.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Will to Win!

Ok, so who has lost the will to win?

What I mean by win is the will to workout, keep dieting, get to the gym etc?
Well you need to get re-motivated and get competitive. You need a competitive intervention. It is time to announce yourself as not going to lose!

Thats right people, you are going to say I am not going lose. You need to tell someone in the gym, your friends, your family, what your workout goals are, what your fitness goals are and then you need to tell someone everyday. "This is my goal and im not gonna lose", I am not gonna give up.

I meet so many people everyday who say they have given up on their diet plan or are missing their workouts and I believe they need to start making it a competition. They need to announce to the world their intentions and then dont let themselves down.

So, make it a competition with yourself and get on those fitness goals.

See you at the gym!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Blues!

Ever dont feel like working out on a Monday?

Even though Monday is suppose to be the perfect start to a workout
out week. Or the day to revamp your bad diet over the weekend. Why are
we so tired and unmotivated on Monday's? Well I dont know the answer to why
but I do know that we need a new approach.

After many years of the Monday blues and also listening to clients who dont
want to get to the gym on Mondays. I have decided it is time to take the pressure
off of Monday and just go with the flow. Yes, most of us dont eat great on
the weekend and most of us dont workout on the weekend either. But that doesnt
mean Egypt was built in one day.

Here is a new approach. Mondays you simply do a little something to get the blood
moving and refocus your efforts to Tuesday. On Monday clean up your diet, do a little cardio and make a plan for Tuesday thru Friday. That is my new
option for Monday. No more trying to regain all I have lost over the weekend
in one day.

Mondays will simply be a day to get it together for Tuesday.

See you at the gym!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Diet Coke Isnt The Problem!

How many times have you heard that your Diet Coke or your Iced Tea drinking is
just another problem or reason why you cant lose weight or meet your
weight loss goals.

Well im here to tell you a HUGE secret, your diet coke isnt the problem, it is the reason you got to this point or why you are have a weight issue. Or even the reason why your not fit. The only and real reason is because you eat to much!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diet coke didnt make you eat fast food, or late nite or 2 large pizzas. Diet Coke or anything like that isnt making you drink a bottle of wine with dinner at nite. That poor diet coke isnt stopping from going to the gym. Focus on the real larger problem. You eat to much and not enough excercise.

I am tired of ppl asking me about their nutrtion and what they should do, when by now we all know the basics. We all know what a protein is, a carbs and fat, and we certainly all know when we eat to much. So, you might say, Eric you dont sounds very helpful. Well, you are right. Eating small portions and excercising daily isnt rocket science. So, stop making excuses and hop to it. Get to it. Make it happen.
Stop wishing that there is a magic diet or answer, there isnt!

Ok, now that we have all cleared that up. I love you and hope to see you at the gym.