Sunday, July 31, 2011

Diet Coke Isnt The Problem!

How many times have you heard that your Diet Coke or your Iced Tea drinking is
just another problem or reason why you cant lose weight or meet your
weight loss goals.

Well im here to tell you a HUGE secret, your diet coke isnt the problem, it is the reason you got to this point or why you are have a weight issue. Or even the reason why your not fit. The only and real reason is because you eat to much!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diet coke didnt make you eat fast food, or late nite or 2 large pizzas. Diet Coke or anything like that isnt making you drink a bottle of wine with dinner at nite. That poor diet coke isnt stopping from going to the gym. Focus on the real larger problem. You eat to much and not enough excercise.

I am tired of ppl asking me about their nutrtion and what they should do, when by now we all know the basics. We all know what a protein is, a carbs and fat, and we certainly all know when we eat to much. So, you might say, Eric you dont sounds very helpful. Well, you are right. Eating small portions and excercising daily isnt rocket science. So, stop making excuses and hop to it. Get to it. Make it happen.
Stop wishing that there is a magic diet or answer, there isnt!

Ok, now that we have all cleared that up. I love you and hope to see you at the gym.


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