Monday, April 26, 2010

Self Tanner Secrets

Ok, we all know that my motto, Tanfat looks better than white fat. Oh I know so many of you are probably saying, why any fat at all? Well you do need some healthy body fat to live! HAHA.

Today's silly blog is about self tanners and tanning beds, I am going to give you the skinny on both right now. Are you ready?????? Here it is, a life's long worth of revelations.

Tanning beds secret: Stop doing it or you will need to get all new skin at 40! Simple isn't it.

Self Tanners: Please use one responsibly, stop with the streaking, the orange hue all over you and the general fakeness of it all. Especially if you are applying it and dont wash your hands properly and look like you have Orange Ice Cream hands.

So, what do we do to get some sun. GO OUTSIDE! HIT THE STREETS, GO TO A PARK, BIKE RIDE, SURF, WALK THE DOG. Save the money and do it the ole natural way! Get off the computer and go outside!

See you at the gym!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Calories is It!

No matter how much cardio you do, how much you workout, how much we lie to ourselves, we can not lose weight if we eat more than we burn.

That's right, can can not lose body fat, we can not lose unwanted pounds if the amount of calories we take in everyday are more than what we burn. It pretty simply to figure out if you are over eating, eating more than we burn. The scales dont lie. Even if you are lean and want to be leaner. The old saying is, getting in great shape is all about the food, not the working out. This does not mean stop working out and starve yourself.

Your body should be athletic, you should be heart healthy and you need to get your body weight in order to fight disease, especially heart disease. So, stop fooling yourself. If you want a SIX PACK OF ABS DONT DRINK A SIX PACK. (YES MUCH OF MY BLOG IS FILLED WITH HUNMOR AND intelligence.

See you at the gym.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Chocolate Craze

Ok has all this Candy on sale made you stop and buy some?
Well, go ahead. Isnt life about doing what you want in moderation.
I mean was it one piece of candy that made you gain 20lbs? No.

Was it one beer that made you eat bad at midnight? No.
So let get real. Have candy, drink a glass of wine, eat a french fry. Just stop doing all these things till you cant button your pants. Why is it we cant stop?
Well, I do not know, but I do know, one piece of candy didnt make us the overweight
nation we are. It was the excess. So, once again, put the fork down and stop stuffing your self!

Enjoy the things you want in small amounts. Love ya.