Sunday, May 29, 2011

The HIdden Sugars in Your Diet!

Its almost time for you to pull out that barbeque sauce and do some grilling. Well if carbs are a concern for you. Then be aware that barbeque sauce is on my list of top 5 culprits to ruining your summer body goals. Here are my TOP 5:

1. Fruit Drink, loaded with sugar, pick the lites, these are a great way to get your fruit servings but you need to see the sugar content.
2. Barbeque sauce, it is delicious, but you need to keep it lite, it is loaded with extra sugar.
3.. Yogurt, get the greek version or low sugar/carb otherswise you negate the protein benefit.
4. Alcohol, this should be your number 1. Do not get fat by drinknig alcohol, it is loaded with carbs/and sugars, and then you add fruit juice.
5. Grapes. Yes grapes are amazing and have many benefits but eat them sparingly and then eat them early not before you go to sleep. Much fruit is very high in sugar.

Ok kids, lets get lean for summer, more tips to come.

Remember, Tanfat is better than white!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Drinking Your Six Pack

So summer is here and you are wondering if you should pull out that bathing/swim suit from 1998. Well I suppose that you could but from what I read you have put on a few pounds and now it doesnt fit. So here are 3 things you must do before you try on those swim trunks or that string bikini.
1. Put the FORK down! (We eat to much)
2. Your drinkin a 6 pack thats why you dont have a 6 pack!
3. Elastic looks good on no-one!!!!!! Thats right elastic, no bathing suits with elastic.

These are the easy rules to follow weeks before you get to the beach or decide to walk down your neighborhood side walk. Put the fork down means eat till you feel full and stop over eating. Next, you want a 6 pack but you drink alcohol like your the official wine sample, so stop drinking so much...water helps. Last, those old bathing suits, swim trunks never look good. Wear something that actually looks good on your body. If you are a guy, NO swim trunks with elastic, loser board shorts make your waiste look smaller and if you are a sexy woman, then that strink bikini or 2 piece prabably didnt look good in the 90's so it prabalby doenst look good now.

Ok, good luck, see you on the beach.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tan Fat

I got lots of questions today about why this site is called Tan Fat. Well its real simple because Tan Fat looks better than White Fat. And if you dont get it, then I cant help you..LOL. Just kidding.

Bottom line, this is a fun, simple and realistic blog about being fit and sometimes you just gotta laugh.

See you at the gym!

The Concept of Hate

I have been working hard on the concept of self hate. I know this sounds strange but in the last year I discovered that I had lived a life of lots of self hate.

For me the words or actions of others have never bothered me as much as the things that I would do to myself. Primarily the decisions I would make that affected my life and never in a good way. I am just now understanding that the everyday life I was living was filled with a deep distrust and dislike of self. I know that many people will read this and react with a certain sarcasm but this blog is about me after all. LOL.

The reason why I write about this today is because we can always be better and do better, we can always work hard at being better than we are, kinder than we have been and more understanding. My life has always been filled with trying to give to others more than I would give to myself and I am just now realizing that I have to take care of myself first and like myself enough not to be so hard on myself. It begins with being honest with me and forgiving myeself. When someone says, "you have to forgive me", I say that to myself. I have to forgive me. For even with a career and life filled with what we deem as success, I am truly going to be more successful this next go around. You make ask how this affects my fitness, well its because I feel your fitnes success it tied to how you feel about yourself.

Look for my new website and blog next week. What am I greatful for? I am greatful for me today. What are you greatful for?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Its Official

Its official I am old! I was told that you could say you were 25 for like 8 to 10 years. Well while I am looking my worst these days, I have been running like a mad man on the streets of Tampa and guess what? I am slower than the old lady next to me walking her dog at the park today.

Yes, she was like 80 years young and she lapped me. She took me down and made fun of me and guess what? I smiled and kept going until I finally shook her off for good and told her that Ill see her tommorrow for a rematch. The point of this pointless story is the obvious one. Dont give up, dont give in, just get back on the horse and try again. No matter what people tell, like, "your best days have come and gone", it doesnt mean thats your reality. You just keep going and sooner or later you to will pass grandma and her dog.

Good Luck!